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Author Bio

Jovan Johnson

jovan johnson in a hat, scarf, and jacket that are all colored in green and brown earth tones

Jovan Johnson is a serial entrepreneur who started researching and writing about structured settlements in 2014. His legal experience includes volunteer work in at Los Angeles based public interest law firm, Public Counsel. He spent time on the Debtors Assistance Project, assisting individuals facing financial troubles and considering bankruptcy. Additionally, he spent approximately three years in private practice representing individuals and small companies in Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy matters, negotiating debt, and providing advice to help both clients and potential clients improve their financial health. Johnson is a fan of Vanguard and Fidelity for their history of success and low prices. Johnson loves chocolate chip cookie, fish burritos, and acai bowls.

Finance and Economic Podcasts

  • Your Money Matters
  • The Indicator from Planet Money
    Bite-sized episodes dig into news and anecdotes that impact the economy in sometimes surprising ways.
  • Planet Money

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