MassMutual Annuity Loans
Can You Borrow Against Your MassMutual Annuity?
Yes, you can take a loan from your MassMutual annuity if you have a tax-sheltered annuity. The minimum loan amount for MassMutual annuities is $1,000 and the maximum is $50,000. The minimum loan amount for MassMutual Ascend annuities is $500 and the maximum is $50,000.
Loan Applications
- MassMutual annuity loan application and agreement
- MassMutual Ascend annuity loan application and agreement
What is the Term for MassMutual (Ascend) Annuity Loans?
MassMutual annuity loans typically have a maximum 5-year term. Loans used to purchase a principal residence may have a maximum term length of 10 years for Flex Contracts and 15 years for Artistry Contracts. MassMutual Ascend annuity loans typically have a maximum 5-year term, but loans used to purchase a principal residence may have a maximum 30-year term.
Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company Contact Information
MassMutual Ascend
PO Box 5420
Cincinnati OH 45201
Phone: (800) 854-3649
Fax: (800) 482-8126
Annuity Service Center Hub
PO Box 9067
Springfield, MA 01102-9067
Phone: (800) 272-2216
Fax (866) 329-4272
Can You Sell Your MassMutual Annuity?
Yes, you can sell rights to your MassMutual annuity. Contact us if you’re interested in receiving a lump sum for your Massachusetts Mutual investment annuity or structured settlement annuity payment rights by completing the form on this page or calling us at (877) 547-3672. Unfortunately, we do not offer annuity loans.